Genome-editing techniques are promising tools in plant breeding. To facilitate a more comprehensive understanding of the use of genome editing, EU-SAGE developed an interactive, publicly accessible online database of genome-edited crop plants as described in peer-reviewed scientific publications.
The aim of the database is to inform interested stakeholder communities in a transparent manner about the latest evidence about the use of genome editing in crop plants. Different elements including the plant species, traits, techniques, and applications can be filtered in this database.
Regarding the methodology, a literature search in the bibliographic databases and web pages of governmental agencies was conducted using predefined queries in English. Identifying research articles in other languages was not possible due to language barriers. Patents were not screened.
Peer-reviewed articles were screened for relevance and were included in the database based on pre-defined criteria. The main criterium is that the research article should describe a research study of any crop plant in which a trait has been introduced that is relevant from an agricultural and/or food/feed perspective. The database does neither give information on the stage of development of the crop plant, nor on the existence of the intention to develop the described crop plants to be marketed.
This database will be regularly updated. Please contact us via the following webpage in case you would like to inform us about a new scientific study of crops developed for market-oriented agricultural production as a result of genome editing

Genome Editing Technique


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Displaying 23 results

Traits related to improved food/feed quality

Improved fatty acid content: increased content of oleic acid, reduced erucic acid levels and slightly decreased polyunsaturated fatty acids content. Fatty acid composition is important for human health and shelf life.
(Shi et al., 2022)
Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China
Altered gliadin levels resulting in improved end-use quality and reduced gluten epitopes associated with celiac disease. Gliadins are important for wheat end-use traits.
( Liu et al., 2023 )
China Agricultural University, China
Research Centre for Cereal and Industrial Crops, Italy
Modified fatty acid profile: increased oleic acid, decreased linoleic and linolenic acid content.
(Huang et al., 2020)
National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, Huazhong Agricultural University, China
Yellow-seed production, a desirable trait with great potential for improving seed quality in Brassica crops. The formation of seed colour is due to the deposition of the oxidized form of a flavonoid, called proanthocyanidins (PA). Yellow seeds have a higher oil content.
( Zhai et al., 2019 )
Huazhong Agricultural University, China
Reduces phytic acid (anti-nutrient) and improves iron and zinc accumulation in wheat grains. Biofortification.
( Ibrahim et al., 2021 )
Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad
National Agricultural Research Centre, Pakistan
Reduction of phytic acid (PA) in seeds. PA has adverse effects on essential mineral absorption and thus is considered as an anti-nutritive for monogastric animals.
( Sashidhar et al., 2020 )
Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel
Max-Planck-Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Germany
Altered lignin composition: decreased syringyl monolignol / guaiacylmonolignol (S/G) ratio. The monolignol ratio has been proposed to affect biomass recalcitrance and the resistance to plant disease.
(Cao et al., 2021)
SouthwestUniversity, China
University of Wisconsin, USA
Increasing seed oil content (SOC).
( Zhang et al., 2022 )
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Improved fatty acid composition. The content and abundance of fatty acids play an important role in nutritional and processing applications of oilseeds.
( Okuzaki et al., 2018 )
Tamagawa University
Osaka Prefecture University
Tamagawa University, Japan
Decreases in palmitic acid, increased total C18 and reduced total saturated fatty acid contents. Reduced saturated fat content is connected to lowered cardiovascular disease rate.
( Gupta et al., 2012 )
Dow AgroSciences
Sangamo BioSciences, USA
Increased protein content and increased grain weight. Increase in grain protein content has a positive effect on flour protein content and gluten strength, two quality parameters.
( Zhang et al., 2018 )
Chinese Academy of Sciences
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Shandong Normal University, China
Reduced gluten content. Coeliac disease is an autoimmune disorder triggered in genetically predisposed individuals by the ingestion of gluten proteins.
( Sánchez-León,et al., 2017 )
Instituto de Agricultura Sostenible (IASCSIC), Spain
University of Minnesota, USA
Modification of starch composition, structure and properties. Foods with a high amylose content (AC) and resistant starch (RS) offer potential to improve human health and lower the risk of serious non-infectious diseases.
( Li et al., 2020 )
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS)
Nanjing Agricultural University, China
Increased iron (Fe) and magnesium (Mn) content for biofortification: increasing the intrinsic nutritional value of crops.
(Connorton et al., 2017)
John Innes Centre
University of East Anglia, UK
Increased grain number per spikelet.
( Zhang et al., 2019 )
University of Missouri
South Dakota State University
University of California
Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, USA
University of Bristol, UK
Reduce allergen proteins. Structural and metabolic proteins, like α-amylase/trypsin inhibitors are involved in the onset of wheat allergies (bakers' asthma) and probably Non-Coeliac Wheat Sensitivity (NCWS).
( Camerlengo et al., 2020 )
University of Tuscia, Italy
Rothamsted Research, UK
Impasse Thérèse Bertrand-Fontaine, France
Reduced accumulation of free asparagine, the precursor for acrylamide. Acrylamide is a contaminant which forms during the baking, toasting and high-temperature processing of foods made from wheat.
( Raffan et al., 2021 )
Rothamsted Research
University of Bristol, UK
Reduced flavonoids and improved fatty acid composition with higher linoleic acid and linolenic acid, valuable for rapeseed germplasm and breeding. The genetic improvement has great significance in the economic value of rapeseeds.
( Xie et al., 2020 )
Yangzhou University
The Ministry of Education of China, China
University of Western Australia, Australia
Increased vitamin C content, increased oxidation stress tolerance and increased ascorbate content.
( Zhang et al., 2018 )
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Low erucic acid (EA) content. Composition of fatty acids affects the edible and processing quality of vegetable oils. EA is potentially to cause health problems.
( Liu et al., 2022 )
Huazhong Agricultural University, China
Improved seed oil content: increased levels of monounsaturated fatty acids and decreased levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
(Wang et al., 2022)
Huazhong Agricultural University, China
National Research Council Canada, Canada

Traits related to product color/flavour

Altered color of petals and leaves.
( Li et al., 2022 )
Huazhong Agricultural University
Hubei Hongshan Laboratory, China
Yellow colored seed.
( Huang et al., 2023 )
Hunan Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Hunan University of Science and Technology
Oil Crops Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China