Genome-editing techniques are promising tools in plant breeding. To facilitate a more comprehensive understanding of the use of genome editing, EU-SAGE developed an interactive, publicly accessible online database of genome-edited crop plants as described in peer-reviewed scientific publications.
The aim of the database is to inform interested stakeholder communities in a transparent manner about the latest evidence about the use of genome editing in crop plants. Different elements including the plant species, traits, techniques, and applications can be filtered in this database.
Regarding the methodology, a literature search in the bibliographic databases and web pages of governmental agencies was conducted using predefined queries in English. Identifying research articles in other languages was not possible due to language barriers. Patents were not screened.
Peer-reviewed articles were screened for relevance and were included in the database based on pre-defined criteria. The main criterium is that the research article should describe a research study of any crop plant in which a trait has been introduced that is relevant from an agricultural and/or food/feed perspective. The database does neither give information on the stage of development of the crop plant, nor on the existence of the intention to develop the described crop plants to be marketed.
This database will be regularly updated. Please contact us via the following webpage in case you would like to inform us about a new scientific study of crops developed for market-oriented agricultural production as a result of genome editing

Genome Editing Technique


Displaying 20 results

Traits related to biotic stress tolerance

Viral resistance: reduced cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) symptom severity and incidence. CBSD threatens cassava production in West Africa and is a major constraint on cassava production in East and Central Africa.
(Gomez et al., 2019)
University of California
Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, USA
Fungal resistance: higher resistance to Verticillium dahliae infestation. Cotton verticillium wilt/cotton cancer, is a destructive disease, leading to 250-310 million USD economic losses each year in China.
(Zhang et al., 2018)
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China
Rapid detection of Sclerotium rolfsii, the causal agent of stem and root rot disease. This technique is effective for identification of pathogens, with potential for on-site testing.
( Changtor et al., 2023 )
Naresuan University, Thailand
Viral resistance: reduced cotton leaf curl viral (CLCuV) load with asymptomatic plants. <br /> CLCuV causes a very devastating and prevalent disease. It causes huge losses to textile and other industries.
(Shakoor et al., 2023)
University of the Punjab
University of Gujrat, Pakistan
Pacific Biosciences
CureVac Manufacturing GmbH, Germany
Insect resistance: Apolygus lucorum are less attracted to the plant.
(Teng et al., 2024)
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Yunnan University
Shanxi Agricultural University
National Plant Protection Scientific Observation and Experiment Station
Biocentury Transgene (China) Co. Ltd., China
Fungal resistance: Enhanced resistance against Verticillium and Fusarium wilt, which threatens the cotton production world wide.
(Zhao et al., 2024)
China Agricultural University
Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China
Insect-resistant plant.
( Wang et al., 2024 )
Huazhong Agricultural University
Huanghuai University
Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences
School of Life Sciences, China

Traits related to improved food/feed quality

High-amylose content (up to 56% in apparent amylose content) and resistant starch (up to 35%).
( Luo et al., 2021 )
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Shanghai Sanshu Biotechnology Co.,
Guangxi Subtropical Crops Research Institute, China
Attenuated toxic cyanogen production. Cassava produces toxic cyanogenic compounds and requires food processing for safe consumption.
( Gomez et al., 2021 )
University of California
Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
Chan-Zuckerberg BioHub, USA
Reduced content of saturated fatty acids: low palmitic and high oleic acid. Great potential for improving peanut oil quality for human health.
(Tang et al., 2022)
Qingdao Agricultural University, China
Reduce or eliminate amylose content in root starch. Amylose influences the physicochemical properties of starch during cooking and processing.
( Bull et al., 2018 )
Institute of Molecular Plant Biology, Switzerland
High-oleic acid content. Oleic acid has better oxidative stability than linoleic acid due to its monounsaturated nature. High levels of linoleic acid reduces the oxidative stability of cottonseed oil, which can cause rancidity, a short shelf life and production of detrimental trans-fatty acids.
( Chen et al., 2020 )
Cotton Research Center of Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Huazhong Agricultural University, China
Reduced levels of very long chain saturated fatty acids in kernels, which are associated with revalance of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.
( Huai et al., 2024 )
Oil Crops Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China
International Crops Research Institute of the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), India
Murdoch University, Australia

Traits related to increased plant yield and growth

Improved root growth under high and low nitrogen conditions.
( Wang et al., 2017 )
Anhui Agricultural University
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China
Altered branch and petiole angles.
( Kangben et al., 2023 )
Clemson University
HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Cotton incorporated, USA

Traits related to industrial utilization

Guidance for creating male-sterile lines to facilitate hybrid cotton production. Exploit heterosis for improvement of cotton.
( Ma et al., 2022 )
Huazhong Agricultural University
Huanggang Normal University
Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Institute of Cotton Research of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China
Bio-fuel production: decreased lignin content improves cell wall composition for production of bio-ethanol.
(Laksana et al., 2024)
Burapha University Sakaeo Campus
Kasetsart University, Thailand

Traits related to product color/flavour

Crop modification: albino phenotype.
(Wang et al., 2017)
Huazhong Agricultural University, China
University of Pennsylvania, USA

Traits related to storage performance

Extended root shelf-life, which decreases its wastage.
( Mukami et al., 2023 )
Kenyatta University
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture Technology
Pwani University Kilifi, Kenya
Enhanced oleic acid to linoleic acid ratio. This adjusted ratio can improve the shelf life of peanut oil.
( Rajyaguru et al., 2024 )
Junagadh Agricultural University, India