Genome-editing techniques are promising tools in plant breeding. To facilitate a more comprehensive understanding of the use of genome editing, EU-SAGE developed an interactive, publicly accessible online database of genome-edited crop plants as described in peer-reviewed scientific publications.
The aim of the database is to inform interested stakeholder communities in a transparent manner about the latest evidence about the use of genome editing in crop plants. Different elements including the plant species, traits, techniques, and applications can be filtered in this database.
Regarding the methodology, a literature search in the bibliographic databases and web pages of governmental agencies was conducted using predefined queries in English. Identifying research articles in other languages was not possible due to language barriers. Patents were not screened.
Peer-reviewed articles were screened for relevance and were included in the database based on pre-defined criteria. The main criterium is that the research article should describe a research study of any crop plant in which a trait has been introduced that is relevant from an agricultural and/or food/feed perspective. The database does neither give information on the stage of development of the crop plant, nor on the existence of the intention to develop the described crop plants to be marketed.
This database will be regularly updated. Please contact us via the following webpage in case you would like to inform us about a new scientific study of crops developed for market-oriented agricultural production as a result of genome editing

Displaying 46 results

Traits related to biotic stress tolerance

Viral resistance: enhanced resistance against chickpea chlorotic dwarf virus (CpCDV). The range of symptoms caused by CpCDV varies from mosaic pattern to streaks to leaf curling and can include browning of the collar region and stunting, foliar chlorosis and necrosis.
(Munir Malik et al., 2022)
University of the Punjab
University of Gujrat, Pakistan
Washington State University, USA
Viral resistance: enhanced resistance against wheat dwarf virus, which is a causal agent of wheat viral disease and can significantly impact wheat production worldwide.
(Yuan et al., 2024)
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Northwest A&
F University, China

Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, Norway
Viral resistance: to Cotton Leaf Curl Kokhran Virus, causing Cotton leaf curl disease (CLCuD), a very devastating and prevalent disease. CLCuD causes huge losses to the textile and other industries.
(Hamza et al., 2021)
National Institute for Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, Pakistan
Broad-spectrum resistance against multiple Potato virus Y (PVY)-strains.
( Noureen et al., 2022 )
Constituent College of Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences (PIEAS)
University Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology (UIBB), Pakistan
Bacterial resistance: Resistance to Pseudomonas syringae DC3000, a widespread pathogen that causes bacterial speck disease of tomato.
(Ortigosa et al., 2019)
Centro Nacional de Biotecnología, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CNB-CSIC),Spain

Bacterial resistance: Strong resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae, causing bacterial blight, a devastating rice disease resulting in yield losses.
(Xu et al., 2021)
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Crop Diseases Research Institute, Pakistan
Viral resistance: reduced cotton leaf curl viral (CLCuV) load with asymptomatic plants. <br /> CLCuV causes a very devastating and prevalent disease. It causes huge losses to textile and other industries.
(Shakoor et al., 2023)
University of the Punjab
University of Gujrat, Pakistan
Pacific Biosciences
CureVac Manufacturing GmbH, Germany
Rapid detection of toxigenic Fusarium verticillioides, a phytopathogenic fungus that causes Fusarium ear and stalk rot and poses a threat to maize yields. This accurate and portable detection equipment has great potential for detection of the pathogen, even in areas lacking proper lab equipment.
( Liang et al., 2023 )
Institute of Food Science and Technology
North Minzu University
School of Food Science and Engineering, China
Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, Belgium
Fungal resistance: increased tolerance to Late Blight disease, which could be devastating to tomato yields.
(Maioli et al., 2024)
University of Torino, Italy
Ingeniero Fausto Elio/n, Spain
Wageningen University &
Bacterial resistance: Strong resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae, causing bacterial blight, a devastating rice disease resulting in yield losses.
(Zafar et al., 2020)
Constituent College of Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences
University of Information Technology
Engineering and Management Sciences
Constituent College of Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Pakistan
Viral resistance: increased resistance to chickpea chlorotic dwarf virus (CpCDV).
(Malik et al., 2023)
University of the Punjab
University of Gujrat, Pakistan
Washington State University, USA
Fungal resistance: Increased tolerance against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici, causing vascular wilt.
(Ijaz et al., 2022)
University of Agriculture, Pakistan
Bacterial resistance: enhanced disease resistance to Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis infection.
(García-Murillo et al., 2023)

Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico

Traits related to abiotic stress tolerance

Drought tolerance.
( Njuguna et al., 2018 )
Ghent University
Center for Plant Systems Biology, Belgium
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya
Increased tolerance to drought trough reducing water loss. Tuber development.
( Gonzales et al., 2020 )
Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands
Centro Nacional de Biotecnología – CSIC
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain
Increased drought-avoidance strategy.
( Maioli et al., 2024 )
University of Torino, Italy
Ingeniero Fausto Elio/n, Spain
Wageningen University &
Research, The Netherlands
Enhanced drought tolerance.
( Wang et al., 2023 )
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China
International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, Mexico

Traits related to improved food/feed quality

Reduce or eliminate amylose content in root starch. Amylose influences the physicochemical properties of starch during cooking and processing.
( Bull et al., 2018 )
Institute of Molecular Plant Biology, Switzerland
Reduce malnutrition by decreasing antinutrient phytic acid (PA) and increasing Iron and Zinc accumulation. PA has adverse effects on essential mineral absorption and thus is considered as an anti-nutritive for monogastric animals.
( Ibrahim et al., 2021 )
Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad
National Agricultural Research Centre, Pakistan
Reduced gluten content. Coeliac disease is an autoimmune disorder triggered in genetically predisposed individuals by the ingestion of gluten proteins.
( Sánchez-León,et al., 2017 )
Instituto de Agricultura Sostenible (IASCSIC), Spain
University of Minnesota, USA
Important metabolic changes affecting tomato fruit quality. Reduced contents of the anti-nutrient oxalic acid.
( Gago et al., 2017 )
University of Algarve, Portugal
Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
Technological Educational Institution of Crete, Greece
Reduces phytic acid (anti-nutrient) and improves iron and zinc accumulation in wheat grains. Biofortification.
( Ibrahim et al., 2021 )
Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad
National Agricultural Research Centre, Pakistan
Increased amylose content. Cereals high in amylose content (AC) and resistant starch (RS) offer potential health benefits and reduce risks of diseases such as coronary heart disease, diabetes and certain colon and rectum cancers.
( Sun et al., 2017 )
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China
University of California, USA
University of Liege, Belgium
Production of opaque seeds with depleted starch reserves. Reduced starch content and increased amylose content. Accumulation of multiple sugars, fatty acids, amino acids and phytosterols.
( Baysal et al., 2020 )
University of Lleida-Agrotecnio Center
Catalan Institute for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA), Spain
Royal Holloway University of London, UK
Improved cold storage and processing traits: lower levels of reduced sugars
(Yasmeen et al., 2022)
University of the Punjab, Pakistan

Traits related to increased plant yield and growth

Altered root architecture with increased tillers and total grain weight.
( Rahim et al., 2023 )
Quaid-e-Azam University
National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC)
The University of Haripur, Pakistan
King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
Nile University
Ain Shams University, Egypt
Chonnam National University, South Korea
Improves complex traits such as yield and drought tolerance.
( Lorenzo et al., 2022 )
Center for Plant Systems Biology
Ghent University
Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture Fisheries and Food (ILVO), Belgium
Production of enlarged, dome-shaped leaves. Enlarged fruits with increased pericarp thickness due to cell expansion.
( Swinnen et al., 2022 )
Ghent University
Center for Plant Systems Biology, Vives, Belgium
Université de Bordeaux, France
Increase in 1000-grain weight, grain area, grain width, grain length, plant height, and spikelets per spike.
( Errum et al., 2023 )
National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC)
PARC Institute of Advanced Studies in Agriculture (PIASA)
Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, Pakistan

Traits related to industrial utilization

35% reduction in lignin. Fourfold increase in cellulose-to-glucose conversion upon limited saccharification. Efficient saccharification is hindered by the presence of lignin in the secondary-thickened cell walls.
( de Vries et al., 2021 )
Ghent University
VIB Center for Plant Systems Biology, Belgium
Glycoproteins without plant-specific glycans. Plants or plant cells can be used to produce pharmacological glycoproteins, for example antibodies or vaccines. However these proteins carry N-glycans with plant-typical residues [β(1,2)-xylose and core α(1,3)-fucose]. This plant-specific glycans can greatly impact the immunogenicity, allergenicity, or activity of the protein.
( Mercx et al., 2017 )
Université catholique de Louvain
Université de Liège, Belgium
Parthenocarpy: seedless tomatoes
(Nieves-Cordones et al., 2020)
Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Segura-CSIC, Spain
Early heading: in regions with short growing seasons, early maturing varieties to escape frost damage are required.
(Sohail et al., 2022)
China National Rice Research Institute
Northern Center of China National Rice Research Institute
Zhejiang A&
F University, China
Mir Chakar Khan Rind University
Agriculture Research System Khyber, Pakistan
Ministry of Agriculture, Bangladesh
Agriculture Research Center, Egypt
Pollen Self-Elimination, which prevents pollen transgene dispersal.
( Wang et al., 2023 )
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS)
Northwest A&
F University
Hainan Yazhou Bay Seed Lab
Henan Jinyuan Seed Industry Co., China
International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), Mexico
Jointless tomatoes. Pedicel abscission is an important agronomic factor that controls yield and post-harvest fruit quality. In tomato, floral stems that remain attached to harvested fruits during picking mechanically damage the fruits during transportation, decreasing the fruit quality for fresh-market tomatoes and the pulp quality for processing tomatoes.
( Roldan et al., 2017 )
Institute of Plant Sciences Paris-Saclay (IPS2), France
University of Liège, Belgium
Tailoring poplar lignin without yield penalty. Reduced recalcitrance.
( De Meester et al., 2020 )
Ghent University
VIB Center for Plant Systems Biology
VIB Metabolomics Core, Belgium
Doubled haploids with increased leaf size. Doubled haploid technology is used to obtain homozygous lines in a single generation. This technique significantly accelerates the crop breeding trajectory.
( Impens et al., 2023 )
Ghent University
VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology
Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (ILVO), Belgium
Reduced lignin content and increased sugar release upon saccharification.
( De Meester et al., 2021 )
Ghent University
VIB Center for Plant Systems Biology, Belgium
Accelerate flowering, a rare event under glasshouse conditions. Modified starch.
( Bull et al., 2018 )
Institute of Molecular Plant Biology, Switzerland

Traits related to herbicide tolerance

Glyphosate & hppd inhibitor herbicides, for example tembotrione
( D'Halluin et al., 2013 )
Bayer CropScience N.V, Belgium
Herbicide tolerance: Bispyribac-sodium (BS). BS is a pyrimidinyl carboxy herbicide.
(Zafar et al., 2023)
Constituent College of Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Engineering and Management Sciences (BUITEMS), Pakistan
( Liu et al., 2021 )

Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
China Agricultural University
Zhejiang University
Scientific Observing and Experimental Station of Crop Pests in Guilin, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China
Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, Norway
Bispyribac sodium
( Kuang et al., 2020 )

Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
China Agricultural University
Zhejiang University, China
Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, Norway

Traits related to storage performance

Improved strawberry fruit firmness. The postharvest shelf life is highly limited by the loss of firmness, making firmness one of the most important fruit quality traits.
( López-Casado et al., 2023 )
Universidad de Málaga
Universidad de Córdoba, Spain
Reduced fruit flesh browning. The browning of eggplant berry flesh after cutting has a negative impact on fruit quality for both industrial transformation and fresh consumption.
( Maioli et al., 2020 )
University of Torino, Italy
Instituto de Biologica Molecular y Celular de Plantas (IBMCP)
Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
Delayed fruit ripening.
( Santo Domingo et al., 2024 )
Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG)
Institute for Integrative Systems Biology (I2SysBio)
Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentaries (IRTA), Spain